Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Post-Traumatic Stress Soars in US Troops ... Longer, Multiple Combat Tours

Post-Traumatic Stress Soars in US Troops | Tuesday 27 May 2008 | by: David Morgan, Reuters

Washington - Newly diagnosed cases of post-traumatic stress disorder among U.S. troops sent to Iraq and Afghanistan surged 46.4 percent in 2007, bringing the five-year total to nearly 40,000, according to U.S. military data released on Tuesday.
Army officials said the larger number of PTSD diagnoses in recent years partly reflects greater awareness and tracking of the disorder by the U.S. military.

Longer, Multiple Combat Tours

"But we're also exposing more people to combat," Lt. Gen. Eric Schoomaker, the Army surgeon general, told reporters.

Experts also say PTSD symptoms increase as soldiers return to combat for multiple tours of duty. ...

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