Monday, May 5, 2008

(28 percent) report that the recent economic downturn has caused "serious problems" paying for medical care and insurance ...

April 29, 2008 | Ouch! Health costs rise as the economy falters | Chicago Tribune
Slightly more than 1 in 4 Americans (28 percent) report that the recent economic downturn has caused "serious problems" paying for medical care and insurance, according to a new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a California policy group.

It’s the third most frequent type of problem people are encountering, behind problems paying for gas (44 percent) and getting a raise or a good paying job (29 percent).

Research shows what happens when people get caught in this kind of economic squeeze – they stop writing checks for insurance premiums or they stop taking medications (even $10 per prescription can add up) or going to the doctor (avoiding those $10 or $15 co-pays for each visit).

The new survey confirms this is happening: 29 percent of people said they or a family member have postponed getting needed care; 24 percent went without a recommended medical test or treatment; 23 percent didn’t fill a prescription; and another 19 percent cut pills in half or skipped medication doses. ...

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