Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Cuban health care system is producing a population that is as healthy as those of the world’s wealthiest countries at a fraction of the cost. ,,,

Summer 2007 Issue: Latin America Rising | Cuba's Cure | by Sarah van Gelder

Why is Cuba exporting its health care miracle to the world's poor?

They live longer than almost anyone in Latin America. Far fewer babies die. Almost everyone has been vaccinated, and such scourges of the poor as parasites, TB, malaria, even HIV/AIDS are rare or non-existent. Anyone can see a doctor, at low cost, right in the neighborhood.

The Cuban health care system is producing a population that is as healthy as those of the world’s wealthiest countries at a fraction of the cost.
And now Cuba has begun exporting its system to under-served communities around the world—including the United States.

The story of Cuba’s health care ambitions is largely hidden from the people of the United States, where politics left over from the Cold War maintain an embargo on information and understanding. But it is increasingly well-known in the poorest communities of Latin America, the Caribbean, and parts of Africa where Cuban and Cuban-trained doctors are practicing. ...

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